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How can we let families and friends of addicts know about Nar-Anon? By doing outreach to spread awareness! The focus of outreach is to let families and friends
of addicts know that help is available. An outreach committee acts as a vital link between individuals seeking help and Nar-Anon members who share their experience, strength, and hope. Outreach assists in the growth of our local groups, areas, and regions.


Step Twelve invites us to carry Nar-Anon’s message of hope to others. Outreach offers a way to carry the message by increasing awareness of Nar-Anon Family Groups. The focus of outreach is to let families and friends of addicts and professionals who may come in contact with them know that help is available. Spreading awareness through outreach assists in the growth of local groups, areas, and regions and the fellowship as a whole.

Performing Outreach

All levels of the fellowship - local groups, areas and regions - can support outreach and be part of the vital link between individuals seeking help and Nar-Anon members who share their experience, strength, and hope. 

  • Consider forming an Outreach Committee to better coordinate outreach efforts.

  • With Mission, Vision Statement and Principles in mind, an Outreach Committee can be designed to meet the needs of each community.

  • Outreach how-to information is available in the Nar-Anon Outreach Information Folder and on this WS Outreach page (See Outreach Tools, Tri-Fold Brochures, Guides and Challenges below).

  • The Outreach Packet offers selected ready-for-distribution literature and is available for purchase in the WebStore.

Outreach Cover Letters Guide

Three cover letters are included in the Nar-Anon Outreach Packet and are available for download at the links below.  The downloadable PDFs can be printed and, or, photocopied for use by regions, areas, and groups for purposes of outreach. 

When using a cover letter, consider enclosing a local or regional meeting directory (if available) and the Nar-Anon Offers Hope pamphlet (PDF available below) or along with other outreach literature available in the Outreach Packet at the WebStore.

Putting Cover Letters to Work

    A group, an area or a region can form an outreach committee.  Areas and regions can ask GSRs to distribute the cover letters to group members. Groups that form an outreach committee can work together with members of their group to perform outreach. If a committee does not exist, a member may carry the message with the use of these cover letters and material. Just remember that if we go before the public, we should always have two members present.

  • Use the Internet, phone book, or other resources to identify local professionals who come in contact with those struggling with the problems of addiction in a loved one or friend. Consider gathering contact information for doctors, medical centers, therapists, mental health facilities, treatment centers, law enforcement, drug courts, the clergy, and ecumenical council.

  • Group members can be asked to distribute these letters, anonymously if they wish, to professionals in their community via mail.

  • Group members that are willing to break their anonymity may drop these materials off personally. They may ask the professional or appropriate administrator if they may leave resource materials with them for distribution. They may also ask if they may display our outreach posters and literature in a lobby or appropriate area.

  • Have questions? Need help putting the letters to work? Email

Outreach Tools

Outreach is essential to spreading awareness of the Nar-Anon program. Below are links to downloadable tools to support your outreach efforts.

Nar-Anon Logo Kit 

To Obtain - the trademarked Nar-Anon logos - [click here}

Nar-Anon Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Print PSA - for use in newspapers, online classified advertisements and other print media. [download pdf]

Video PSA - for outreach via Nar-Anon related websites, forums, and other digital avenues. View the video below. [download video]

Audio PSA - for use on local radio stations, public service airtime, broadcast at public events (i.e., baseball parks, health fairs, etc.) [download audio], [audio/mp3], [audio/mp4]

Tri-Fold Brochures

Nar-Anon Offers Hope - Downloadable PDF version to print or photocopy for purposes of outreach. [download pdf]

Narateen Outreach - Downloadable PDF version to print or photocopy for purposes of outreach.  [download pdf]

Nar-Anon Outreach Poster - Downloadable PDF version to print or photocopy for purposes of outreach. (8 1/2x11) [download pdf]  


Checklist for an Outreach Booth (O-409) - to help with organization and set up of an outreach booth. [download pdf]

Informing the Community (O-414) - to help with informing the community about a new meeting. [download pdf]


Outreach Opportunities

Step-by-step how-to guides designed to facilitate outreach service and carry Nar-Anon’s message of hope.  Click on the links below to download the PDFs.

  • How to distribute Nar-Anon literature in your community [download pdf]

  • How to create information packets for outreach to individuals [download pdf]

  • How to create information packets for outreach to professionals [download pdf]

  • How to post Nar-Anon information to free online classified ad sites [download pdf]

  • How to distribute the Nar-Anon audio PSA for radio air time [download pdf]

  • How to distribute the Nar-Anon video PSA [download pdf]

  • How to reach out to the community through special local events [download pdf]

We welcome your suggestions for more outreach opportunities. What outreach efforts have been successful for you? Work with us to share your ideas with others worldwide. Email us at

Outreach PowerPoints

The Public Outreach PowerPoint can be a powerful tool for carrying the Nar-Anon’s message. It can be use alone as a continuous loop presentation on a laptop or other device or a member-led outreach presentation. Two versions PPT are available for download. The versions differ only in how the Twenty Questions are presented. Select the version best suited to your outreach event. Click Version 1 and/or Version 2 to download.

  • Version 1 - includes the full text of the Twenty Questions and is suggested for continuous-loop presentation of the PPT (i.e., on a laptop in an outreach booth). File opens as an automated slide show; hit Esc to stop.

    Public Outreach PowerPoint Version 1 [download PowerPoint]

  • Version 2 - includes an image of the Twenty Questions (suggest presenter hand out copies of Twenty Question and read/review with attendees). Opens as a slide show, use the mouse to click through the slides. Suggested for member-led presentations to groups: i.e., treatment center family day, gatherings of mental health professionals, law enforcement community and/or the clergy.

    Public Outreach PowerPoint Version 2 [download PowerPoint]

Fellowship Review

The 2016 WSC approved a review process which allows for fellowship input on service and outreach materials labeled as “Fellowship Review”. These materials can be changed based on input from the fellowship within the traditions and principles of Nar-Anon.  Suggested changes to fellowship review materials should be sent to This may reduce the number of motions to amend materials after they have received conference approval and also allows for input before getting conference approval.   This process does not include recovery literature or materials already stamped conference approved.  Recovery and CAL materials require motions to be changed.

Additional outreach resources are available. Fellowship Review outreach service literature and materials, including an Outreach Handbook, Outreach Flyer, Outreach Contact Card and Pull-Tab Flyer, can be downloaded from the Fellowship Review page.